Monday, May 24, 2010

First Post - Metal is Dying

Well folks, I hate to start this blog out on a bad note, but it actually has too. Well this year we had Peter Steele passing away, & just this past week Ronnie James Dio. I never gotten to seen those two, basically because I'm having to work at night. But when I heard about Paul Gray dying< i just thought, this isn't good at all. I mean I can try to understand the rock & roll lifestyle, but not completely. I saw Slipknot just a week before my 27th birthday, now I'm 33. I remember moshing, crowdsurfing, just about everything except sex. Had 5 Red Bulls that night, so yes I was pretty wound up. But a few things I'm proud of Paul for is being part of a kick ass show & widening Fred Durst's anal rectum some when he tried to attack. When I did pick up the first slipknot CD, I didn't know what I was in for, I wasn't really into all that at the time, but it changed it. But we will miss the pig. Godspeed. Tath goes For Steele & Dio too. Here's some vids:

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hello everybody....

Today is the first day that I start using Blogger. I will be putting some stuff in this, mostly cars, but sometimes other stuff, too. I can't think of anything as of right now because it's late & my mom is wanting me to go bed right now,Well toodles!!!